How To: Depth of Field Blending

I recently got a question from Pocket Lenses Photog Sydney who wanted to know if it is possible to blend two images, one with the focus on the foreground and one with the focus on the background. Sydney told me that she didn’t intentionally do this, but it happened, because here camera “decided” where it wanted to focus in different locations as she took 2 consecutive shots.  The answer is yes, it’s possible to blend, layer or stack 2 or more images so that more of the photo will be clear. Below, I go through a VERY quick and rough overview of how to do this in photoshop using a manual technique. At the bottom I also include an image that I put together using a Photoshop “script” to load the images into a “stack”. I’ll show you more detail of how to do the automated process on a future video.

Check out the manually blended images in the video below.




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