Review: Smartphone Tripod Mount

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pinterestSmartphones have amazing cameras on them. Add to this that you can edit your images on the fly and then immediately post them up for the world to see, it’s no wonder that they are the most ubiquitous and used cameras on the planet. As a professional photographer, one aspect of a camera that I use OFTEN and one that is missing from smartphones is a tripod socket: the little screw-hole on the bottom of a camera that allows you to attach it to a tripod. Enter the need for a smartphone tripod mount.

Attaching a smartphone to a tripod has great benefits. It will allow you to

  • hold your camera steady for nice sharp pictures
  • be in pictures too (using a timer)
  • shoot longer exposures (dim light, nighttime, “smooth” waterfalls, etc.)
  • slow down (a good thing) to intentionally compose your shot like you would with a “real” camera

Once I realized the important advantage a smartphone tripod mount could give, I began my (extensive) search for the best that I could find. If  you’re like me, you can spend a LOT of time researching items to find the one that’ll fit your needs. My wife, Sandy, can testify to this: I’ll pour over reviews, watch videos, read countless blogs and articles to find out what other people have to say about a product before I even consider buying it to test out. If a piece of gear actually makes it past my doorstep, it’ll then have to stand up to my rather picky (maybe a little OCD) scrutiny before it gets a Sonny Thumbs Up. In the case of a smartphone tripod mount, here are some of the things that I considered:

Important features to consider

  • Does it fold down small and tidy?
  • Will it hold my (now larger) smartphone with a case?
  • Is it secure (can I trust it)?
  • Is it easy and fast to use / setup?
  • Can I change from vertical to horizontal easily?
  • Is it well made (materials and execution)?
  • Does it look cool?

Here at Pocket Lenses Labs, I’ve collected several tripod mounts, some of which I’ve had to actually modify and hack to get to work the way I want. The quality of some have been “substandard” and required glue repair in order to keep using them.

Check out my video below to see the smartphone tripod mount that I’m currently using. Here are links to the gear that I mention in the video:

4 Responses to Review: Smartphone Tripod Mount

  1. Avatar
    tony October 9, 2014 at 7:02 pm #

    Check out the muku shuttr. I think you would enjoy that along with your tripod 🙂

    • Sonny
      Sonny October 9, 2014 at 10:16 pm #

      Hey Tony, thanks for this!

  2. Avatar
    Bill quick October 15, 2014 at 7:12 am #

    I’ve always used a steady mount for clarity in my photo. You made a good case for a tripod mount with smart phones. Thanks

    • Sonny
      Sonny October 15, 2014 at 11:03 am #

      Bill, thanks. I really like that the mini tripods that I use with smartphones are SO small. I always keep a mini tripod and the phone holder that I mentioned in this article in a ziploc bag in my backpack. Always. It’s so small and light I mostly forget about it. Completely worth it when those “opportunities” pop up that could benefit from the tripod!

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