Shoot, Edit and Share

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There are only 3 things we “do” with photography. We shoot, we edit and we share photos. That’s it! That’s really all there is to photography. Most of the time we do all three, but not always. Although the way in which we shoot, edit and share has changed over time, the most remarkable images still result from those photographic craftsmen who are competent in at least one, and often all three endeavors.

Photographer-studio-1893cShooting is the obvious starting point and has always been a essential component of crafting a notable image. Learning how to proficiently use your photographic tools has always been important, whether it was knowing how long to expose silver chloride coated paper or just finding the power button on your camera today. The more you learn about your camera and other photography tools, the better prepared you will be to capture and create amazing, beautiful and remarkable images. Photography has come a long way, we no longer have to calculate how much magnesium based flash-powder needs to be loaded onto a flash-stand, but we have new challenges instead. Cameras have evolved from being FULLY manual, to almost fully automatic (read: AUTO Mode). At first this may sound like a blessing, but it’s really a curse in disguise. The promise of point and shoot has resulted in less understanding, less care and more mediocre images than ever before. We have sacrificed crafted art for the sake of convenience. There’s nothing wrong with convenience and speed, I’ve captured many images with my smartphone because of the quick and easy access to my camera at all times. But can you craft extraordinary images if you only shoot on AUTO Mode? Maybe, but you’ll really increase the odds if you know some basic principles when shooting with your camera. Knowing these techniques will help you take back the control you’ll need to do things like get the lighting right, blur out the background, stop motion or compose the shot in a compelling way. Learn how to shoot well, and you’ll be well on your way to great image.

ansel1973Sadly, editing is an often-overlooked phase in the creation process of photography today. I’ve seen numerous images that could easily be taken to “the next level” with a few simple editing techniques. Instead they simply shoot then share the unedited image. Editing is a term that covers a wide variety of strategies and techniques from a simple crop to a complex composite of images. During the era of film photography, almost all editing had to be done in the darkroom. The genius of Ansel Adams was not only his skill with his equipment during the shooting phase, it was also his craftsmanship in the darkroom. Few people realize the amount of “post processing” artful skill in his darkroom that was required to produce some of his most inspired images. Today we have it “easy”. No chemicals, no dedicated room, just a computer (or smartphone), some software and, with some learned skills, you too can craft gorgeous works of art. Knowing when and how to use various software tools is part of the skill-set that can help you elevate your images from mediocre to magnificent.

Sharing can be done in numerous ways: simply showing someone an image your smartphone is one way of sharing in it’s most simplistic form. Sharing can be a wall sized canvas print or posting up to Instagram. You can create photo-books, slideshows or online albums to share your most prized and crafted images. We’re proud, to one degree or another, of the images we share. We’re saying “Check out what I captured and made!” Over time, people who see what we share begin to develop an impression of us and our images. If for only this reason, shouldn’t you at least know how to craft to the kind of images that you can truly be proud of? Each medium has it’s strengths and drawbacks. Learn the best ways to share your work and let your images shine!


Shooting, editing and sharing. It’s all we really do with photography. It’s so important to learn how to do each well in order to get the best from what our images have to offer. To help you improve your craft and create images you’ll be proud to share, I’m going to write articles, record audio and video with numerous tips and techniques that will apply to all the photographic phases of shooting, editing and sharing. Be on the lookout for Triple-Circle-Icon of “Shoot, Edit and Share” on resources I create to help you take control of your camera, get out of AUTO Mode and craft beautiful images you’ll be proud to share.

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